End result
Exploring Cultural Diversity and other subjects
Fist for this subject I looked into culture diversity problems within my own family, as I'm half Dutch and half Turkish.
In the past there has been some family culture diversity issues which I could have done my project on, but I decided to leave that in the past. There was also an option to look in to culture diversity between my two halves Dutch and Turkish as today I notice certain behaviors that I do here in Holland seems weird to the Dutch but normal in Turkey and other way round too; What may be considered normal in one country may be considered abnormal to the other.

However I decided to look deeper within different subjects that I feel close to and do something different than my race issue, which is involving the differences between animals and human. As I love animals with my whole heart and feel that they are a priority in my life to care and come up for them as they don't have a voice like us humans do.
We as humans are privileged to do as we want, yet animals are seen as under our control. Such as farm animals for food and fashion, testing animals, pets and even wild animal areas get controlled by humans.
In my eyes we are all animals and all deserve to get the same change in life, to live our duty and to live the way we please without control of other species.
Notes through out the lessons
Research throughout the project
Research through websites, books and my own conclusions.
Book: The Silence of animals by John Gray
"Ordinary language was a form of life that needed- and permitted- nothing beyond itself. Humans
where figures in a world they had themselves made.
- John Nicholas Gray

"John Gray's "Silence of Animals" is an attack on humanism. He condemns this widely accepted
secular faith as a form of delusional flattery."
- The New York Times

"It's the human arrogance that differs us from any other animal."
-John Nicholas Gray

"Humans are like any other plague animal. They cannot destroy the Earth, but they
can easily wreck the environment that sustains them."
-John Nicholas Gray
Socks and facts about them:

- In the past socks used to be considered as a luxury item, if you had socks you had status
- Normally socks are knitted, first socks where knitted by hand obviously
- Socks are to avoid fungus's as it's easier to get fungus in damp places. Socks absorb the dampness and keep the feet/toes dryer within the shoes.
- December the 4th is national sock day. Sheep wearing socks to avoid disease